Yesterday I was mowing the lawn. I reckon it's the 5th time in five weeks. I don't mind mowing the lawn, but finding time every week when there's so many other things I'd rather do (or should do) can get a little annoying.
When I mow the lawn, I listen to music on my MP3. Artists like Billy Joel, Cold Chisel, Midnight Oil, the Waifs, John Butler (and many others) entertain me as I whip the weeds and mow the grass. Despite the music that fills my ears, many things cross my mind.
One of my thoughts that crossed my mind was about the lawn I mow (mixed with an assortment of weeds). It's been growing fast (hence my need to mow regularly). The rain comes, the sun shines, the lawn grows. It looks good (in most places), but it looks better when I mow. When the rain didn't come, the lawn didn't grow much, but the weeds still grew (amazing how resilient those weeds can be!). Not the same weeds as I currently have, but there were weeds anyway.
As I reflected on this fact, I also reflected on my life as a Christian. When times are abundant and things are going well, the weeds of sin still affect my life (like the weeds of greed, selfishness and pride), in fact they could be growing faster and be more abundant than before. I may not notice them so much because I'm also focussing on the green lawn. Yet during times of suffering and trial, the weeds of sin still grow (like jealousy, bitterness and unforgiveness). They're more noticable because there's less lawn (read: less good times) than before. The sins that affect me aren't always the same during good and bad times. Sometimes they are (just like some weeds grow in drought and good seasons alike), but some weeds are unique to the season.
Where does this leave me? Well, I'm now finished mowing. As I write I hear some more rain coming on the roof. The weeds and grass are going to grow again!
I'm a sinner. I can't always control myself. The weeds of sin seem to come in so many varieties and at times I don't always plan or expect, both in good times and bad. I suppose, just like my lawn, I need to be cut back through repentance, and receive the gracious words of forgiveness again (and again and again and...).